Auxiliary Air Operations Qualifications

United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
1st District, Southern Region
Qualifications in the Air Program are progressive.
Observer and Pilot Tests are now available online as an option. Visit the Aviation Operations section of the Director's website periodically for the latest policies and procedures at Director of Auxiliary First Coast Guard District Southern Region
Air Observer
Be a BQ or AUXOP member.
Successfully pass the core elements of an approved boating course.
Score 90% on the open book Observer Exam.
Prior to first flight as an "Observer Trainee", demonstrate ability to swim 75 yards (may wear an inflatable PFD).
Under Orders, participate as an "Observer Trainee" in missions totaling 12 missions.
Successfully complete all items on the Observer Check List. (Each After Action Report should include all observer tasks completed on that mission).
Successfully pass the AUXCOM specialty course or show comms proficiency.
Air Crew
Hold a current FAA 3rd Class Medical or physician's equivalent.
Score 90% on the open book Pilots Exam.
Complete Air Crew training syllabus.
Complete area familiarity training.
Complete AUXCOM specialty course.
Pilot designations are determined by flight experience and hours, in addition to compliance with the qualifications noted below.
Have QUALIFIED and flown under orders, at least two missions as an Observer.
Score 90% on the open book Pilots Exam.
Hold a valid Pilots Certificate, private or higher.
Hold a current FAA Medical Certificate, 3rd class or higher.
Have properly logged 200 PIC flight hrs. (100 hrs. in aircraft of the same class).
Satisfactorily complete an Auxiliary Flight Check with an Auxiliary Flight Examiner.
Annually fly under orders as PIC and/or Co-pilot, 6 missions totaling at least 12 hours.
First Pilot
Satisfy all requirements for Co-pilot.
Have properly logged 500 PIC flight hrs.
Complete a SAR Procedures Flight Check with an Auxiliary Flight Examiner.
Annually fly under orders as PIC, 6 missions totaling at least 12 hours.
Aircraft Commander
Satisfy all requirements for First Pilot.
Have properly logged 1000 PIC flight hrs.
Hold an FAA Instrument Rating & Maintain Instrument Currency.
Annually fly under orders as PIC, 6 missions totaling at least 12 hours.
District 1SR is proud of its Aviation Safety and service. In addition to the base qualification standards (above), D1SR requires these experience levels:
Must fly a minimum of 24 hrs in each semi-annual period. This includes all flight time, civilian and Coast Guard, including time flown while not acting as PIC.
In order to meet this increased flight time requirement, orders will be issued for a minimum of 6 hours of training and 6 hours of mission time.
Fly a minimum of 6 missions each semi-annual period.
Maintain night & passenger currency.
Log current Biennial Flight Review.
Emergency egress training.
75 yard swim test.
Water survival training - includes successfully boarding a raft. All aircrew flying offshore must complete Air Station sponsored wet drills.
Attendance at an the annual required Air Operations Workshop.


Flight examiners will verify all applicable logbook entries annually.
The Coast Guard Auxiliary does not make any assurances that aircraft will be accepted as operational facilities nor does it suggest that all applicants will be accepted into the aviation program as pilots. Fiscal, operational, and geographical needs of the U. S. Coast Guard are controlling factors in the Auxiliary Aviation Program.
For More Information contact:

Steve Trupkin, DSO-AV

Email: Steve Trupkin

Steve Trupkin, FSO-OP
Email: Steve Trupkin

Additional information about Coast Guard Auxiliary Aviation can be found at the following websites:

• US Coast Guard Auxiliary Aviation Operations Branch
• US Coast Guard Auxilairy District 1 Southern Region

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